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City Hall Lunch-time lectures

The first in the series of City Hall Lunch-time lectures to mark the centenary of the 1913 Lockout will take place as follows: Who Feared to Wear the Red Hand Badge! Songs & Poems of 1913 Lockout Performed with historical commentary by Francis Devine with guest singers Admission is free - all welcome Francis Devine, a retired trade union official, is author of Organising history: a centenary of SIPTU, 1909-2009, (2009) and A unique association: a history of the Medical Laboratory Scientists Association, 1961-2011 (2011). He is an honorary president, Irish Labour History Society, former editor, Saothar, and trustee, Working Class Movement Library, Manchester. He is a member of the Decade of Centenaries Advisory Group and member Comhairle Bhéaloideas Éireann – The Folklore of Ireland Council. He is also Contributing Editor of A Capital in Conflict: Dublin City and the 1913 Lockout, which will be published by Dublin City Council in April 2013 to mark the centenary of the Lockout.
When Apr 02, 2013
from 01:10 PM to 01:50 PM
Where The Council Chamber, City Hall, Dame Street, Dublin 2
Contact Name Dr. Mary Clark
Contact Phone (00-353-1) 674 4996/674 4997/674 4848
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