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‘Irish Food Products – A Historical Perspective’

Agricultural Historical Society of Ireland Conference. Registration. Liam Downey (University College Dublin) and Ingelise Stuijts (The Discovery Programme).Introduction lecture ‘Overview of current knowledge’. Session 1: Dairy products. David Dickson (Trinity College Dublin): Dairy products in former times. Jessica Smyth (Bristol University): The origins of dairying in Ireland. Patricia Lysaght (University College Dublin): Folklore associated with food products in Ireland. Dinner 20.00-22.00 hrs. Session 2: Cereal products. Michael O’Connell (NUI Galway): Cereal production in ancient Ireland: evidence from the fossil pollen records. Susan Lyons (University College Cork)/Meriel McClatchie (University College Dublin): Cereal production in past and nutrition value. Mick Monk (University College Cork): From field to food in Ireland’s past: the processing and nutritional value of cereals with particular reference to oats. Session 3: Meat products. Finbar McCormick (Queen’s University Belfast): Archaeological evidence for meat consumption. Regina Sexton (University College Cork): Meat products in former times. Fiona Beglane (Sligo IT): Archaeological evidence of meat use and its nutritional values. Niamh Daly (University College Cork)/Jacqueline Cahill Wilson (Discovery Programme): Application of geochemistry: Isotope analyses using Strontium, Oxygen, Carbon and Nitrogen. Closing session. Colin Rynne (University College Cork): Industrial archaeology with particular regard to brewing and distilling. Lunch: 14.00-15.00. Excursion to St Francis Abbey Brewery, Parliament Street, Kilkenny. Conference Costs (including tea/coffee and lunch on Saturday): Non-members: €60 Members: €50 Students: €30 Optional: Conference dinner 14th June €30 in Hotel Kilkenny Optional: Excursion costs: €8
When Jun 14, 2013 02:00 PM to
Jun 15, 2013 05:00 PM
Where Hotel Kilkenny, College Road, Kilkenny
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Contact Phone 086-4090050/087-6213605
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